Music Ministry

  • 輔祭會

    輔祭會的主要任務:是輔助神父主持感恩祭及一切有關禮儀的 工作。
    ◆ 成員主要以青少年為主,男女均可參加輔祭;
    ◆ 每月第三個主日舉行例會,會議內容主要是安排當值時間、分配工作及查經等等。

  • 聖則濟利亞聖詠團


  • 送聖體員

    ◆ 本組是由主教批准成立的。組員必須是有熱誠的天主教徒。
    ◆ 組織內有神師、組長、書記、財政、聯絡、康樂、及組員。
    ◆ 開會日期是逢隔月的第四個星期天,下午12:15。到時進行輪值送聖體的安排。

  • 天主之母聖詠團


    ◆ 顧名思義, 8:00時聖詠團,就是負責在主日的8:00時彌撒中詠唱的團體。
    ◆ 大家服務堂區、通過頌唱聖詠來讚美天主。
    ◆ 在侍奉天主的同時,團員們盡心接受導師的指導,增強團體內的合作意識,從而心靈也得到滋養

  • 祭台佈置及插花小組

    ◆ 本組很高興能為天主在聖堂服務,經常鼓勵組員參與堂區舉辦的各種神修活動。
    ◆ 為了增加組員的感情及凝聚力,本組會舉辦康樂活動,目的在加深組員的認識,以增強團結精神。

  • 亞西西聖詠團

    ◆ 亞西西聖詠團的前身,乃青少年歌詠團。
    ◆ 新堂建成後改名為9:30歌詠團,
    ◆ 而於2002年再改名為亞西西聖詠團。負責在禮儀中用歌聲帶領教友讚美天主,表揚方濟精神。

  • 接待服務組

    ◆ 服務人,不是受人服侍,就是接待組服務堂區的光榮任務。
    ◆ 本組主要的工作是在彌撒前和後招呼教友,在彌撒中安排教友奉獻祭品。在大型彌撒中負責維持秩序,使彌撒得以順利進行。
    ◆ 在團體裡,大家會一起讀經、祈禱與及分享。

  • 聖言宣讀組

    ◆ 聖言宣讀員的職務,是負責誦讀福音以外的經文。
    ◆ 在彌撒中,領經員的職務也由聖言宣讀員兼任。他們為信友在禮儀進行時,提供各部分的指引。

  • 善別禮儀會

    ◆ 本會是教區禮儀委員會屬下的善別小組,目的是協助有需要的公教人士及其他有需要的家庭,以正確的天主教儀式去為亡者辦理殯葬禮儀
    ◆ 我們的服務對象,包括教內,外的家庭,只要有邀請,我們都樂意出席。


  • 主日學導師組


  • 慕道班導師組

    ◆ 藉教理講授,導師引導慕道者回應天主愛的召喚,準備成為天主的子民;
    ◆ 培育慕道者實踐信仰生活,加入教會,參與小團體生活。
    ◆ 為慕道者舉辦朝聖日、聯誼活動及退省活動等,以加強慕道者對教會的認識、參與及學習禮儀,增進成員間的溝通,實踐愛德,和建設教會。

  • 編輯組

    ◆ 編輯組是一個透過文字,向區內的教友進行福傳工作的小組。
    ◆ 編輯組的工作範圍非常廣泛,包括為堂區各項活動,或禮儀需要,出版定期及不定期的書冊、刊物、手冊、壁報,單張等。


  • 關社組


  • 愛德事務組

    神師: 文凱華神父
    ◆ 傳揚愛德,觸動周遭兄弟姊妹,齊心關注需要關愛的人士﹔積極實踐和展現「愛德」的實質。並強化組員的愛德服務心火,全心全靈為主愛作見証。

    ◆ 其餘時間會因應工作需要才召開小組工作會議。
    ◆ 其餘時間會因應工作需要才召開小組工作會議。

    ◆ 逢3月、6月、9月和12月舉行小組會。
    ◆ 愛心捐血日
    ◆ 賀年禮品回收
    ◆ 堂區籌款活動
    ◆ 探訪智障人士及安老院

  • 主日茶座小組

    ◆ 主日茶座的日常工作包括在主日上,供應美味可口的食物、清洗飲食用具、和收取食物的費用,差不多每個主日都需要提供服務。
    ◆ 工作是依賴背後一群不斷默默工作的義工所作出的貢獻。

Music Ministry

St. Cecilia's Choir

Spiritual Advisor:Rev. Fr. Jomon Varghese P.I.M.E

Mass served:Anticipatory Mass at 6 pm
The choir leads the congregation in singing praises to the Lord and enriches its members with knowledge of music, liturgy, prayers and spiritual formation.  Its members take part in parish activities and service, cultivate a sense of community and live the Christian values in life.


Assisi Choir

Spiritual Advisor:Rev. Fr. Jomon Varghese P.I.M.E
Mass served:Mass at 10:00 am
The choir aspires to the Franciscan spirit.  They praise God with the music and lead the congregation in singing praises to God’s mercy and love.


St. Augustine Choir

Spiritual Advisor:Rev. Fr. Jomon Varghese P.I.M.E

Mass served:Mass at 11:30 am
The choir is a family-friendly community that fosters a sense of solidarity and spiritual development, and strengthens its members’ skills in singing.  It embraces the passion for service and evangelization.


Mother of God Choir

Spiritual Advisor:Rev. Fr. Jomon Varghese P.I.M.E
Mass served:Mass at 8:30 am
The choir models after Our Lady, Mother Mary’s humility, obedience, faith, hope, tolerance, love and Her devotion to God.


Liturgy Ministry

Parish Council

Aims:The council commits to its mission of evangelization and the promotion of solidarity within the Church.
Service:The council strives to foster communication and coordination between the pastoral team and the parishioners, strengthen mutual support and develop a community bound by Christian faith and love.
Meeting:First Friday of each month


Altar Servers Ministry

Spiritual Advisor:Sister Agnes Lam
Duties:Altar servers assist the priests during Sunday Mass and other liturgical celebrations.

Members:  All adolescents are welcome.

Meeting:  Meetings for duty roster, work distribution and Bible studies are held on the third Sunday of each month.


Eucharistic Minister Group

Spiritual Advisor:Rev. Fr. Jomon Varghese P.I.M.E
Duties:The group helps to ensure the smooth flow of the Masses, facilitates the distribution of the Eucharist, and assists senior and needy parishioners in receiving the Sacrament of the Eucharist on Sundays and feast days.

Meeting:At 12:15 pm on the fourth Sunday of alternate months.  The roster for delivering the Eucharist will be released at the meeting.


Lectors Ministry

Spiritual Advisor:Rev. Fr. Jomon Varghese P.I.M.E
Duty:The lectors lead the congregation in the liturgy and read aloud excerpts of the Scripture and Gospels during Mass.


Helping Services Group

Spiritual Advisor:Sister Agnes Lam
Duties: The group receives parishioners before and after the masses. They invite parishioners to assist at offertory in ordinary masses and keep order on feast days and celebrations.


Bereavement Team

Spiritual Advisor:Rev. Fr. Jomon Varghese P.I.M.E
Duties:The team assists families in conducting Funeral Masses including Vigil, Requiem Mass, Burial and Cremation.


Evangelization,Spiritual Formation and Services Group

Sunday School

Spiritual Advisor:Rev. Fr. Jomon Varghese P.I.M.E

Duties:The core group and instructors collaborate in teaching children Christian values, and prepare them for First Communion and Confirmation.  The team also organizes spiritual formation and recreational activities for the instructors.


Catechumen Classes

Spiritual Advisor:Sister Agnes Lam
Duties:The instructors prepare catechumens in responding to God’s calling for baptism.  The newly baptized are given guidance in their decision to join parish communities.  Pilgrimages, retreats and recreational activities are organized to promote a sense of belonging, provide a chance for nurturing Christian love and enhance solidarity in the Church.


Youth Group

Spiritual Advisor:Rev. Fr.  Jomon Varghese

Duties:Young Catechumens and parishioners in Ma On Shan are gathered to learn about faith and life through enjoyable activities.  The group aims to help the young develop friendship, establish social networks, contribute to the parish and develop a positive outlook of life.

Social Concerns and Love Group

Elderly Group

Spiritual Advisor: Rev. Fr. Jomon Varghese P.I.M.E
Objectives:To encourage the elderly to participate in parish activities so as to deepen spirituality and develop a sense of belonging to the parish.
Duties:  The elderly are encouraged to attend the daily Mass and dedicate themselves to organizing activities for other senior members in the parish.


Social Concerns Group

Spiritual Advisor: Rev. Fr. Jomon Varghese P.I.M.E

Duties:The group calls for cooperation among parishioners, social awareness and putting the belief into practice in life.  Various activities, regular or spontaneous, are organized for non-Catholics.


Love Committee Group

Spiritual Advisor:Rev. Fr. Jomon Varghese P.I.M.E

Duties:The group commits to the evangelization of fellow men, arousing parishioners’ awareness of the needy and putting Christian love to action.  Through these acts of love, members’ passion for service will be ignited and thus giving witness to God’s mercy and love.


English-speaking Community

English Parish Council

Chairman : Rev. Fr. Jomon Varghese P.I.M.E

Coordinator:Remedios Ruby C. Juan
Asst. Coordinator : Thelma P. Olayta
Secretary:Maria Luisa C. Monroid
Treasurer:Myra B. Pujeda
Auditor:Digna C. Cervales
Public Relations Officer:Bernadette P. Mendoza

Usherettes' Group

Leader:  Wilma E. Rellin

Eucharistic Ministers

Leader: Ma. Merlenab. Bognalbal

Hosanna Choir

Leader:  Nora C. Balaguer

Altar Servers' Group

Leader:  Leza E. Castaneda

Legion of Mary

Leader:Rowena P. Lozon

Lectors' Group

Leader:  Mary G. Rodriguez


Leader:Zenaida R. Del Fin

Other Interest Groups and Religious Groups

Liturgy Group


Altar and Floral Arrangement Team


Service Counter


Sunday Cafe


St. Martha Cooking Team


Editorial Group


Photography group


Computer and IT




Parish Maintenance Group


Bible Reading